Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Good Date vs. Bad Date

Good date, you're asking when the other person has to wake up tomorrow because you want to spend more time together.
Bad date, you're telling the other person you need to go home (now) 'cause you need to be up early.
 ~ Comparison from a dear friend. . .

  Had a conversation the other day with a couple of friends about dating and relationships. The consensus is clear - people in LA are pretty warped (that's my definition, no blame to my friends). Our area takes longer to find the "right one", settle down, get married, have children, etc. The average age for a female to get married is 25 and the average age for a male is 27 (source: - if that's the case. . . I don't think I know many people in that age catagory (or YOUNGER) getting married. Granted, if you get married after 25, your rate of divorce goes down by half. . . but STILL. 

HOW do people in their younger 20's think that they're ready to spend the rest of their life with someone?

 In this world that there are so many people, so many temptations, so many outside influences on a person's relationship. . . how does a relationship stand a chance? Which leads back to a good date vs. a bad date. . . it's all about chemistry and the little things. Chemistry is something that almost magnetically attracts us to someone. The little things make us even more attracted. From opening the door, minding manners, compliments, and thoughtful little gestures - those can ultimately make (or break!) things in the beginning. 

 Chemistry can give us butterflies, and make us excited (or anxious?) to see the person we're going on a date with. But if they chemistry isn't there, we may not care as much or put as much effort as we would with someone that we do have chemistry with. So why do people insist on dating and going on dates with people they obviously have no chemistry with? Because chemistry, as it mysterious and wonderful, is often rare and elusive. 

The little things. For me, taking initiative, being interested, asking the right questions, being modest (humble), being considerate of me and others around us (true colors show how you treat the server or anyone else we may come in contact with), opening the door, not being distracted (by your phone or another cute girl walking by), etc. 

What it boils down to is not only outward attraction, but personality, connection and chemistry. A beautiful person can be made ugly by a bad attitude, and an unattractive person can be made gorgeous by a glowing kind personality. So maybe the nice guy (or girl) may finish last - but they'll be the one laughing if they're the one lucky to be in a awesome relationship.

1 comment:

  1. <3... I hope one day i find myself laughing my life away with an amazing partner :)
